Localization Aspects
Posted On 05 December, 2008 at 4:52 PM by Rajeev PrabhakaranTerminology
Terminology The selection and definition as well as the correct and consistent usage of terms are preconditions for successful localization:
- Laymen and expert users
- In most cases innovative domains and topics
- Huge projects with many persons involved
- Consistent terminology throughout all products
- No synonyms allowed
- Predefined terminology (environment, laws, specifications, guidelines, corporate language)
- Symbols are culture-dependent, but often they cannot be modified by the localizer
- Symbols are often adopted from other (common) spheres of life
- Symbols often use allusions (concrete for abstract); in some cases, homonyms or even homophones are used
Illustrations and Graphics
- Illustrations and graphics are very often culture dependant, not only in content but also in the way they are presented
- Illustrations and graphics should be adapted to the (technical) needs of the target market (screen shots, manuals)
- Illustrations and graphics often contain textual elements that must be localized, but cannot be isolated
Colors have different meanings in different cultures
Character sets
- Languages are based on different character sets ("alphabets")
- The localized product must be able to handle(display, process, sort etc) the needed character set
- "US English" character sets (1 byte, 7 bit or 8 bit)
- Product development for internationalization should be based on UNICODE (2 byte or 4 byte)
Fonts and typography
- Font types and font families are used in different cultures with varying frequency and for different text types and parts of text
- Example: In English manuals fonts with serifs (Times Roman) are preferred; In German manuals fonts without serifs (Helvetica) are preferred
- Example: English uses capitalization more frequently (e.g. CAUTION) for headers and parts of text
Language and style
- In addition to the language specific features of grammar, syntax and style, there are cultural conventions that must be taken into account for localization
- In (US English) an informal style is preferred, the reader is addressed directly, "simple" verbs are used, repetition of parts of text is accepted etc
- Formulating headers (L10N)
- Long compound words (L10N)
- Elements of the user interface(open the File menu -The Open dialog box appears -Click the copy command etc)
- Date, currency, units of measurement
- Paper format
- Different length of text
a. Consequences for the volume of documents, number of pages, page number (table of contents, index) etc.
b. Also for the size of buttons (IT, machines etc.)